Make Me a Millionaire!

I want to personally mentor one of
you to millionaire status in 3 - 5 years
entirely at my expense!

Yes, sign me up to the Make Me a Millionaire event which is going to be held on the 9th October, where I will learn the 6 strategies that will increase my knowledge and help me to grow a successful property portfolio.

In order to qualify for the chance to work personally with Glenn to become an equity millionaire in 3-5 years please quickly answer the following questions

First Name:
Last Name:

Q1: I currently have a portfolio of investment property
Yes    No

Q2: I have the following capital to invest in property
None    3-5k    5-10k    10-20k    20-50k
50-100k    100k+

Q3: I can devote the following time to property investment
1-5hrs per wk    5-10hrs per wk    10hrs+ per wk
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© 2010 Glenn

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