To come close to achieving the financial freedom you are you must set down goals and have a clear plan of action that you can follow.

Over the years Glenn has helped thousands of people put together and action their business plans and seen many go on to achieve their goals, some to the tune of £millions.

Glenn has put together a number of tools that will help you achieve your property goals

Business planning
explanation and advice - MP3 download

Be mentored by Glenn
introductory session - telephone or webcast £49.95

Create your business plan with Glenn
part day session - 1-2-1 in person

Advanced business planning with Glenn
full day session - HMO's splitting etc, 1-2-1 in person and on site

Business planning
explanation and advice MP3 download

Listen as Glenn explains how to structure a business plan

Be mentored by Glenn
introductory session telephone or webcast

Speak to Glenn personally about your property goals and portfolio

Create your business plan with Glenn
part day session
1-2-1 in person

Meet with Glenn to create your personally tailored business plan

Advanced business planning with Glenn
full day session
1-2-1 in person and on site

Visit key properties and put advanced property investment strategies in place saving £10,000's


Special Offer

Be mentored by Glenn for just £49.90

You have a limited opportunity to speak to Glenn personally about your property investment plans and portfolio

For just £49.95 glenn will help you set your goals and put together a realistic business plan to help you achieve them

Glenn has only 20 slots available so book now