I first met Glenn Armstrong in 2010 at networking events when I became interested in property investment. However it wasn’t until he invited me onto his courses when I started to get to know what he is like.
Never will I forget 21st November 2011 - it was my birthday! Glenn was the speaker at the BPM that evening and he gave me a place on one of his courses.
At that point, I had done property courses and a 12-month mentorship with another company. I had been advised to purchase BTL flats in my area. Although I had bought two flats in 12 months, I was really frustrated because, over the past year, I had been to view at least 50 apartments - but I knew that buying flats wasn’t for me. I wanted to find a strategy which suited me.
On the first day of Glenn’s course he said to me “I’ve been reading your blog - and you are in a state of paralysis. I’m going to help you”. At the end of the two-day training course, he said to me “You are going to come back and do the next course, aren’t you!”
I ended up doing all three courses and at the end of the last one Glenn commented “Why are trying to do property when you don’t enjoy looking at properties?”
By that time, I had started to diversify into internet marketing - and continued to learn it for the next for few months. I got to the stage where I knew enough about internet marketing to start promoting a product - but I didn’t have a product!
Over the previous 2.5 years I had been thinking about writing a book about my life to inspire people. When I then made the decision to write my book I mentioned it to Glenn. He asked me to send him a synopsis of my book - and then came back with “Every day, email me how many words you’ve written.”
I did what Glenn advised. Every day, for the following 15 months, I sent Glenn a word count email, until I had finished writing my book.
I typed, with one finger, 216,000 words in 15 months - too many words for one book hence I’m going to publish two books.
At which point I attended one of Glenn’s Mastermind days - where he advised me “To cover the cost of publishing your book, create a webpage so people can pre-order your book”. Glenn also recommended Stephanie Hale (whom I’m now working with getting my first book published).
After I finished building my website - http://stairsforbreakfast.com - I found myself in a little “What do I do now?’ lull. Glenn inspired me to come up with how many pre-orders I needed in order for my book to be edited and published. My required target is 267 pre-orders.
In two months I have sold 183 pre-orders of my book. Glenn has bought 50 copies of the 183 I have sold. When someone tells Glenn they can’t do something he’s going to give them a copy of my book.
Having been to two of Glenn’s Mastermind days - and on several of his weekly mentoring webinars - it is clear that Glenn likes helping people and that he wants them to succeed.
In 2013 when I needed to evict one of my tenants for non-payment of rent, Glenn asked Duncan Wells to help me through the eviction process.
I have never asked Glenn for help, he has always offered to help me - and I haven’t paid him a penny.
I am proud and feel so humble to be working with Glenn. He’s taught me a lot and I couldn’t wish for a better mentor.
Patrick Souiljaert
Author of the book Stairs For Breakfast. Find out more http://stairsforbreakfast.com